Threading the Needle
Texas Tech University Press;
Hardcover (May 2003)
ISBN: 0896724980

--The novel zips along like a souped-up ’57 Chevy racing down a wide-open highway.” –Dallas Morning News

--Reynolds’ storytelling shines, especially in the novel’s first half, where he makes plain his love of dragsters, rock music, and 50’s youth culture.” Publisher’s Weekly

--Reynolds makes this a plausible ghost story, carefully demonstrating the haplessness of local law enforcement and spineless parents, and also illustrating the alluring power of legend, of why young people reflexively risk their lives to carve their names into history. Where bouts of honor were once decided with swords and horses, they are now decided with hotrods. This is a cautionary tale to both yo9ung and old about understanding the motives for doing so.